Company Name
Company Division
Company Address
Company Contact Name
Phone Number

Employee offer:

Note: Wellteam memberships include: online programs, user dashboard, Wellteam points system, leaderboards, Scorecard Tool and Scorecard Reports, invitation to local or online social events (some may incur a charge), online zoom sessions, opportunity to earn Wellteam gear as part of Wellteam Global Challenge.

Choose the offer you would like to provide your employees (choose only one):

By clicking 'create' below you are authorising Wellteam to set up an account for your company. This will enable employees in your company to sign up to your account and you agree to pay for their membership to Wellteam under the terms you identified above. Wellteam will invoice you monthly for immediate payment. We will provide names of current members, please contact us if you wish to cancel any employee registration. Well done on supporting the health and wellbeing of your team. You are awesome!

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